SEIS Academic Forum Series (NO. 652)
Forum on Intercultural Studies
“Intercultural Geography – Engaging in the Community”
Speaker: Prof. Prue Holmes
Time: 10:00-12:00
Date: July 4, 2017 (Tuesday)
Venue: Academic Lecture Hall, Third Floor, BFSU Library
Language: English
About the Lecturer
Prof. Prue Holmes is Reader and Director of Postgraduate Research, School of Education, Durham University. She is also Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland, and Guest Professor, Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo, China. She researches, teaches, and supervises graduate students in intercultural and international education, and languages and intercultural communication. Prue is a co-investigator on the project “Researching multilingually at the borders of language, the body, law and the state” (AH/L006936/1), on the Jean Monnet network project “European Identity, Culture, Exchanges and Multilingualism” (EUROMEC), and she was co-investigator on the European project “Intercultural Educational Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers”. She chairs the International Association of Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC) and convenes the annual CULTNET conference at Durham University.
This workshop activity allows students to understand how to enhance intercultural engagement and understanding in their community. Whether students are studying abroad, in a new location within their own country, or even in their own neighborhood, they may not have fully explored their new environment and the opportunity it creates to meet new people. Students will be encouraged to go beyond dominant and simplified representations of the place they live in, and to see the host environment through the eyes of others (both mobile students and more permanent residents). She will present the study abroad project “Intercultural Educational Resources for Erasmus Students and their Teachers” (IEREST), and the resources generated from the project (of which “Intercultural geography” is one available to teachers and students).