SEIS Academic Forum Series
Forum on Translation Studies ( No.77)
Reception and Translation Studies
演讲人:伊夫·甘比尔教授(Yves Gambier)教授
——伊夫·甘比尔(Yves Gambier)教授是世界著名的当代翻译理论家和教育家,曾任芬兰图尔库大学翻译学研究中心(Department of the Translation Studies)主任,全职教授。现为图尔库大学荣休教授。甘比尔教授学术研究领域广泛,主要包括翻译理论研究、视听翻译、早期双语教育、语篇分析、术语研究等;研究成果丰硕,发表及出版论文、论著等多达190篇/部。
——甘比尔教授多年来活跃于翻译学术界,担任众多国际核心期刊编委,包括Babel(A&HCI, SSCI), Target(SSCI),Hermeneus, MonTi, TTR, Translation Spaces, Translation Horizon等;担任本杰明出版公司翻译学系列丛书(The Benjamins Translation Library)总主编(2006-2017);是国际翻译学界最有影响的翻译学文摘数据库(Translation Studies Bibliography )创始人之一,主编了国际翻译学界著名的四卷本翻译研究工具书Handbook of Translation Studies 。
——甘比尔教授还在多个重要的国际翻译组织任要职。1993年至1998年任欧洲翻译协会(the European Society for Translation Studies – EST)副会长,1998年至2004年任欧洲翻译协会会长;参与创建了欧洲视听翻译协会(European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (ESIST))并出任副会长(1996-1998)及会长(1998-2004)。任欧盟翻译硕士项目European Master’s in Translation (EMT)专家团主席(2007-2010)。
——Professor Yves Gambier is the world renown translation theorist and educator. He was the head of the department of the Translation Studies in University of Turku, Finland, fulltime professor in translation studies in this university and now professor emeritus (since 2014). His research covers a wide range of topics in Translation Studies and related disciplines, including Audio-visual Translation, Early Bilingual Education, Discourse Analysis, Conversational Analysis and Terminology. He is a productive researcher with more than 190 publications.
——Professor Gambier has been an active participant in the academia of Translation Studies. He is a member of several editorial committees, including Babel (A&HCI, SSCI), Target (SSCI), Hermeneus, MonTi, TTR, Translation Spaces, etc. Meanwhile, he was the General Editor (2006-2017) and is now Honorary Editor (2017-) of the Benjamins Translation Library (BTL). He is the editor of Translation Studies Bibliography (TSB), the most influential bibliography database in Translation Studies and the four volumes of Handbook of Translation Studies (HTS).
——Professor Gambier also held crucial position in some important international organizations for Translation Studies. He was Vice-president (1993-98) and President (1998-2001 and 2001-2004) of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) and the founder and vice-president (1996-1998), and president (1998-2004) of the European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (ESIST). He was chair of the group of experts in the project European Master’s in Translation (EMT) (2007-2010).