讲座时间:2021年11月16、17日晚上 21:00-22:00
讲座地点:腾讯会议(11月16日ID:492 454 922;11月17日ID: 321 321 424 )
演讲人:Nicole Siffrinn 博士(美国南缅因大学助理教授)
Nicole Siffrinn是美国南缅因大学的助理教授。她的作品探索了语言和意义在多语言教学和学习环境中物质性和运动性。同时,她还研究定性和后定性研究范式下的物质性和运动性。她的研究成果出现在以下国际知名语言学杂志,如Canadian Modern Language Review,The Reading Teacher,International Multilingual Research Journal 以及TESOL Quarterly。
What is the language of research? How does it enable or constrain how we carry out our work? This two-part lecture series explores these questions with the aim of understanding how conceptualizations of language shift within and across major research paradigms. The first talk provides an overview of the philosophical assumptions guiding the use of language in quantitative, qualitative, and post qualitative inquiry. The second talk focuses more specifically on how to operationalize the language of interpretation in qualitative research.